by Mort Ehudin
die Geselle
Any child in Germany could tell you that this man is 'ein Geselle' (a journeyman). He belongs to a tradition that goes back to the Middle Ages, when any young man who wanted to learn to become a carpenter or a stone mason had to become a journeyman, traveling through the country learning their chosen trade. Today it is not limited to those two crafts but also includes becoming an electrician or a plumber and it is on a voluntary basis. Most of those who choose to go on 'der Walz' (the Trek) have the intention of becoming a Master of their trade.
By clicking on FABIAN, you will learn more about this unusual tradition that will, hopefully, not fade away.
Any child in Germany could tell you that this man is 'ein Geselle' (a journeyman). He belongs to a tradition that goes back to the Middle Ages, when any young man who wanted to learn to become a carpenter or a stone mason had to become a journeyman, traveling through the country learning their chosen trade. Today it is not limited to those two crafts but also includes becoming an electrician or a plumber and it is on a voluntary basis. Most of those who choose to go on 'der Walz' (the Trek) have the intention of becoming a Master of their trade.
By clicking on FABIAN, you will learn more about this unusual tradition that will, hopefully, not fade away.