by Mort Ehudin
We met Fabian on a terrace overlooking the ocean on the island of Foehr. He was sitting on a bench surrounded by about eight of his comrades. They were all dressed in the journeyman's garb and he was definitely the most impressive of them. He had no problem posing for photos and then told us a lot about his background. He had spent two years learning the basics of carpentry and could have just gotten a job in that field, but he chose instead to go on 'der Walz' (the Trek). That meant taking on the traditional clothing (all hand-me-downs from former journeymen). He told us, for example that his leather vest is over 100 years old, and that everything on his outfit has a meaning or significance. The commitment is for a minimum of 2 years and 1 day, with an oath to not smoke, drink alcohol, use foul language, and refrain from any violence. Journeymen move around the country (except for their hometown) seeking out places to work under someone (preferably a Master) who can teach them more than they know. They have no more than 5 Euros in their pocket and must find a place to sleep and to eat each day. Sometimes they travel in groups, but also alone.
Fabian told us that being a 'Geselle' is much more than a trade learning opportunity. It is also a life experience, and he is well into his third year. He had just returned from a job in Sweden and hooked up with the others on that patio. Aside from his appearance, he was also a very impressive young man.